I mean really? We hired some pussy assed President who bows and kow tows to everyone in the world. We have allowed greed to sell our Country to Foreign interest.
We allow politicians to lie to us.
We allow same politicians to spend our tax money like pouring piss out of a boot. Purely fucking wasting it.
We allow them to take our rights,daily on a local and national level.
We Pay them to screw us!
We allow the ones like Skeletor (Pelosi) to waste our money on shit like a bigger better jet and other such waste and to talk down to us like a puppy who messed on the carpet!
We allow them to bail out people who made terrible business decisions to get bailed out by scaring us,ohh to big to fail,it would crash the economy,uh yeah since the economy is much better now,right?
We allow them to make lots of money off of us,they screw up then we get mad and throw out the Dems and hire the Repubs and vice versa.
We have become a welfare nation who needs Govt to give us OUR money!We need Govt to tell us not to eat pizza and burgers every night or we may get fat!
America used to be Great,we used to be a Nation of Free thinkers,of people who when faced with a problem we solved it,now,we can't solve it,,either Govt is in the way or we are counting on them to solve it.
WTF has happened to US???