E.U is loaning one trillion to Greece.Freddy Mac wants six billion,Fannie Mae wants eight billion.Idiots are still trying on Wall street, Dow was up 400 some points at lunch.Down almost 1000 points last week.I think most folks were smart enough to not believe some trader hit T button instead of M on key board.
Obummer is dogging video games and blogs for making people anti government.WTF?We are making it hard for the Democracy to be at peace.Wouldn't you think The FREAKIN President of the U.S. would know his Country is (was) a REPUBLIC?
And that a few blogs are not causing the unrest it is bad policies that people don't want.We tell ya we don't want Your dumbass health care bill,what do you do cram it on in.I still wonder if its so great for US,why aren't all of You politicians on it?
Sounds like the FCC wants to take over Internet.WoooHOOO lots of money for Govt and they stop Us from talking.It if you something you wanna say on the Net you better get with it because I bet it won't be long before there is a So Called cyber attack causing the Govt to take over or shut down the Net.
By the same token if there is info you want from the net get it now.
The Recovery is here ALL hail OBAMA.
Good Bye Mrs. Yukon
2 years ago
I find it disgusting that the President does not mention that this is a republic. He always wants to talk about democracy. Can we say he doesn't even know where he lives?
Sure as hell seems like it.