Whats with all the talk of a double dip? We never came out of the first one! Ok we had bailouts and some car companys, bankers,wall street,etc all got some pretty much free money.But no we never had a recovery.
Heres a scan of financial news.
I don't like calling it a double dip,I think it is more of a continuation of first dip.Proving all this waste of OUR money on bailouts was a joke on us!Heres a good article on it,whatever ya wanta call it.
http://finance.yahoo.com/career-work/article/110344/what-the-double-dip-recession-will-look-likeAnd the home builder confidence level down for 3rd straight month.Hell fellas China will probably be builing our homes soon so ya'll might be looking into retraining!
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Homebuilder-confidence-sinks-apf-2415930954.html?x=0From prison planet we have celente predicting stock market crash by end of 2010.You don't have money in there do you? 401k ? Hope not! Silver and gold. Wheat n Rice! But not stocks.
http://www.prisonplanet.com/celente-stock-market-crash-before-end-of-2010.htmlOh heres another great one from prison planet! We are about to go Argentine.You now broke with the Govt stealing your money,huge tax increases,socialized bankruptcy!
http://www.prisonplanet.com/an-argentina-like-economic-crisis.htmlFrom Lew Rockwell we have Timmy's Delusional Recovery! Come on he works for the Gubbermint he Must know what he's doing Right? It was an Accident turbo tax said he didn't owe Its not his Fault!
http://www.lewrockwell.com/daughty/mogambo63.1.htmlAnd a story from A.P. The stock market apt to stay difficult for sometime. What the fuck does that mean? It means all you poor folks who used to be middle class Will get screwed if ya play their game!
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Stock-market-apt-to-stay-apf-4155535591.html?x=0Apt to stay difficult.HA HA that cracks me up!
Here we go IMMIGRATION.Poll sez only 29% agree with Obammers handling of IMMIGRATION,or lack of.
http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/71035Congress will spend 600 million on Immigration and we will get what? 2 drones,1000 Border patrol agents,500 customs agents and officers!What the hell good will more agents or officers or troops or anything else do if numbnuts aint gonna enforce the laws on the books? Hell he took Arizona to court!Oh Barry Barry Barry.Enjoy it son this was your one shot.You will go down in History as first black President and Shittiest president in HISTORY.Hell you are making Jimmy Carter look like a Godsend!
A deep little article on the State.
http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/rothbard62.htmlNow my Flouride comes from Where? And its got what in it?
http://www.prisonplanet.com/guess-where-your-fluoride-comes-from-china.htmlOh yeah did I tell China is no longer buy our debt!
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/China-reduces-holdings-of-apf-290032879.html?x=0Ok I don't wanna overwhelm ya.