This site is for me. It is rated R. Rants, political opinon, prepping, conspiracy theories, guns, knives,fishing, hunting, trapping,the economy, news, whatever is on my mind.
It seems if you are a patrotic American who believes in the constitution and not socialism, then you too shall become an Enemy of the State !
I am not anti goverment, I am Anti Bad goverment! Chinasyndrome 2009
Email me at
Thomas jefferson
The people should not fear their goverment, their goverment should fear the people!
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
Patrick Henry
Monday, August 15, 2011
Corporations are people,says Mitt!
Economist see 30% chance of recession!???? Does this mean we aren't in a Depression? Or at very least heading in to one. See I never got the Memo that first recession was over,ok sorry I am a Damn Liar,I got that memo but didn't believe it!
Smoking is banned indoors already at most places in Indy. So my Man MITCH will allow me to only smoke IN my home? Govt keeping us safe from ourselves again..
Looking for leadership says Jay Carney. White house debates. Translation Obummer figuring how to save his ASS!
Well hell if its gonna be a long scary ride. Get some food,water,guns n ammo, then fasten your seat belt put your arms up in the air scream n laugh as you enjoy the ride to the bottom.We are going no matter if we want to or not so be prepared and enjoy it a bit!!
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