People we have to stop this shit. I know many have gave uo on Political means. But Should we give up on it? If we all and I mean all let these bastards know we are watching and DON"T agree and if we don't start SEEING our wishes done Politically. Then we have no Choice but to take up arms. Of course after we try and vote them out! Arms as a last resort But a resort no less.
What have YOU done except bitch about it? Since somebodys gonna say OHH big China what have you done? Well DAN Burton has gotten many emails and protest forms with my name on em.
We need to end the fed,end all the Bullshit laws they pass everyday. Most they have not even read.
The most Ludicrous thing I have ever heard was when Skeletor said we must pass the bill to learn whats in it???? WTF? No bitch you people are paid very well to read and know what you are handing us!
Instead of KILLING Afghani's who don't want us there As reported by Troops on the Ground. Bring em home and guard our borders. Now I know that would stop the influx of new Democratic voters.But so sad. I am sick of hearing of Illegals getting huge Tax refunds illegally up to like 13,00-15,000 claiming 11,12,13,14,kids who don' even live in the USA they live in Fucking Mehico never even been to US of A.Accountants and Tax preparers have brought it to Govt attention to no AVAIL Even the Head of Some Govt agency I seen the interview nice concerned Black man said no one returned his calls! WTF?
Domestic Terrorist if we become so, it Is The Fault of GREEDY career POLITICIANS A Socialist Administration who is working very hard to make America a Socialist Paradise while lining the pockets of the Banker class. I a lowly phlebe have news for you NONE of em are to big to fail! Fuck em,let em fail. Derivatives sould be outlawed NOW.
Enough for Now KNOW YOUR ENEMYS they are everywhere even giving you your HEATWAVE warning next Northcom will inspecting you to see if you have SPF 50 covering your exposed skin!
Enough is too much!