Maybe what Obama meant was after a term of his presidency,we would Hope for Change.Now for some of the latest from the Dark lord and his minions.Starting with Timmy Geithner saying the U.S can no longer drive the global economy.
Well no Timmy,the U.S is Broke,the U.S is unemployed,the U.S sent their manufacturing overseas to China,Taiwan,even Mehico,the U.S is running out of unemployment and no jobs on the Horizon.Guess what that means Timmy?OOHH man Bad time to be a Politician in the U.S.
A.P. say's Economy faces a tough road ahead with slower grow than expected.Expected by who.Oh the Liberal DEM's in our Govt they are waking up from their beautiful dream.So now they will start taxing the Hell out of everything to pay for RECOVERY.Say it with me RECOVERY.Ok you dumbass's their is No recovery with out JOBS or as long as you spend more than you bring in and you can only tax so much before even the Sheep will be wanting to string you up from lamp poles on every corner.
Did you all see this one? N.Korea wants $75 trillion from America in compensation for all the bad stuff we have done to em.Hell Obama will probably give it to em with an apology.
And as if the folks in the gulf don't have enough problems to worry about,the IRS is in line to take any money received from B.P. Wow thems some Rotten sumbitches there.I wonder if folks will remember this illegitimate outfit when the Revolution starts?
Prison Planet is reporting Obummer gets his Internet kill switch.Wow just like living in Red China.Oh come on people it's only in case of a CYBER attack.Yeah or in case Mayberry or Shy wolf or Bitmap criticize the dark lord,bam the switch gets flipped 3 squads of DHS goons swoop in on Domestic terrorist,quelling the disturbance.Making America safe for Liberal Pussies once again.WE love you KIm jung I mean President Obama.
DO NOT openly criticize (email) senators or congress critters you will get visited.This Govt of the People,for the People,by the People,don't like to be criticized By the People.
Bloomberg Sez CALI is fucked.Ok no they didn't I said it.But they did say Cali and 45 other Governments are facing Greek style problems. Bailouts???
And if your Govt,illegal aliens,terrorist,nuclear attack,space aliens,global warming,too many big macs,cigarettes,third hand smoke,h1n1 or anything else doesn't kill ya The Sun probably will.
AAHHH Hope and Change.
Good Bye Mrs. Yukon
2 years ago
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