I'm over it.Check this out especially you who think everything is rainbows and butterflies.Our friends at APN have a great list up.Check em out here.
If this doesn't get you moving,well hell I guess you deserve what you get.
If you didn't catch interview with Jim Rogers at Lew Rockwell you can read it here.Yes Virginia there is inflation.Who would you believe a famous investor or Timmy and Barrack???
The gusher is still pumping oil.They got there cap on it but much is going around it.
Timmy and the boys of the G-20 are figuring out how to keep the peasents from grabbing their pitchforks.
And of course no one is hiring except the U.S. Govt.
Out of work more than 6 six months makes it tougher to find a job.
Conn gets credit rating cut.Wealthiest state in America borrows money.
Wow Arizona gets beat up as racist for trying to stop ILLEGALs.But Helen Thomas of the white house press corp tells Jews to go home to Poland or Germany.
Oh noo there is a Chance the politicians in the white house are crooked.Who would of thought this could even be possible?
And of course stock market bottoms out.
Not to mention 81 failed banks so far this year.
Good Bye Mrs. Yukon
2 years ago
Situation Normal, All Fucked Up.
ReplyDeleteEvery day it's BOHICA...
ReplyDeleteBusted, yep that's the norm.No good end in sight.
ReplyDeleteMayb,no let up in the B.S.dept.