Ok so besides the FBI,CIA,NSA, DHS, we now have armed agencies including but not limited to IRS,NOAA, yep the weather people,of Course Border patrol however there arms seem to be limited to use against U.S citizens. The latest to join the list is the USDA.WTF? Are they going to shoot farmer Brown for not getting up at 4:00 to milk Bessy?
Riot shot guns,M-4 carbines, USDA is shopping for submachine guns.And body armor. HK makes some great ones Kriss super V is great.
Now even my 74 yr old Dad asked me why small town police need APC's . In his words these things look kinda like tanks. I said Dad these are Mraps. Mine resistant armored personnel carriers . I said yes this has been going on for a while. Full auto weapons, 37 mm less lethal grenade launchers, less lethal only with less lethal ammo, terribly lethal with the right ammo. Ask any Nam vet who used a blooper with HE and Buckshot loads or flettchettes before they banned em. They are ordering ammo that the U.S. military can't use under various conventions, yet it seems may be used against U.S. citizens?
Fuck Milk, Got AMMO? Body Armor?
Welcome to Amerika! may I see your papers please.? Sir we will not ask again!
Good Bye Mrs. Yukon
1 year ago